About Pot and Lid

We are a lesbian couple living in the PNW, embarking on a new journey. After being together 7 years we decided it was time to start trying to have a baby and navigated the world of sperm banks, home inseminations, and long waiting periods. Now, after 7 months of trying, we’re excited to be expecting a baby in September!

We’re blogging to keep a record for ourselves, for our future child, and for friends and family who didn’t know we were trying and now, as part of this strange online community. We’re happy to answer any questions we can and to be a resource for other people trying to find their path to parenthood. Lesbian pregnancy blogging is not a new thing but the bigger the community the better.

  1. Good luck! We are happy to answer any questions you may have, or just commiserate about the complicate process. 🙂

  2. Lucky number 7 it seems 🙂
    We’ve been trying for-freaking-ever as just starting fertility clinic treatments. I’ve been a very absent blogger for months but are back into it now if you feel like calling by to cheer us on!

  3. I just stumbled across your blog, scouring the net for other lesbian couples who are pregnant, but I was happily surprised to find someone else who is due in September! Somehow it makes the world seem like a smaller, friendly place to know there are other people on similar a similar path (also planning a home birth, also in the PNW). Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi! I was perusing the NW boards for the first time in a long while and saw that you two live in Eugene- my wife and I do too! Just thought I’d say “hi”- it’s nice to see that a family similar to ours is close by. 🙂 Feel free to email back or look me up on Facebook!

  5. Hey! I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! If you’re interested, you can continue it on, but I wanted to let you know that your blog has impacted me! Thanks so much! http://confessionsslp.wordpress.com/2014/10/06/one-lovely-blog-award/

  6. Hi. I just found your blog. I’m a lesbian, and I want to try to have a baby as well. This is all new to me, and I was just wondering how you decided upon the donor that you wanted to use? What qualities did you pick from? I’ve just started to look, and I didn’t expect it to be so difficult. The only thing I’ve settled on is having an open donor… I look forward to reading the rest of your blog 🙂

  7. Hi there! I’m just starting ttc and I wanted to say thank you for blogging and sharing your story. It’s nice to learn about what other people have gone through … and what I might be getting myself into! Seems like there’s a pretty awesome group of people out there in the blogosphere.

  8. Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a while (and loving how honest and open you are about your experiences), actually since just before we started trying to conceive. My partner is now 22 weeks pregnant and I’ve recently started blogging as well. Just thought I’d introduce myself finally, since I imagine it is nice to know who is following your story 🙂


  9. Hi! I nominated you for a Liebster award! 🙂

  10. lifeasagaymom

    I nominated you for the Creative Blogger award. Please see my recent post for details on participating.

  11. lifeasagaymom

    I nominated your blog for my starlight blog award! Please read

  12. Greetings,
    I’ve read your posts and have a few questions for you and your lady. My wife and I have been together for over a year & married for 5 months. We are now looking into conceiving a baby.. But there is one problem, we have no idea where to start. I’d really appreciate any helpful tips or advice.
    Thanks you,
    Kareena & Gabby

  13. So my wife and I have been looking into the insenimation process, as we are ready to start our family. There’s so much different information out there I can’t even wrap my head around it all. I’m just curious, as a starting point financially how much should we be prepared to have to spend on this journey?

    • Hey Meaghan – Gosh, it varies so much! We spent around $5,000 on 6 attempts at home with frozen sperm (sometimes two vials a cycle) and one attempt with a doctor. The prices vary depending on if you use a known donor or not, which sperm bank you use if not, if you do it at home or with a doctor, and whether or not you need medication.

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